Breadsall Hill Top Primary School is a community that encourages everyone to fulfil their potential, discover new talents and develop a love for learning. We believe that all pupils should be enabled to access a well-rounded education through a range of teaching and learning experiences and opportunities to gain high aspirations for themselves.
Our school curriculum extends beyond the National Curriculum and includes a wide range of enriching experiences and opportunities both within and beyond the school day. This includes an extensive programme of after-school clubs that support the core curriculum offer, in addition to extending the range of children’s experiences. A primary focus of our curriculum is to raise aspirations, engender a sense of personal pride in achievement, and provide a purpose and relevance for learning.
There are many ways in which we aim to enrich the learning experience at BHTP for our children, these include:
Wednesday afternoon whole school Enrichment curriculum
Educational visits which act as 'hooks' to our curriculum topics and add cultural capital to provision.
Forest School and the use of our extensive school grounds
Visits to and from places within our community and locality
Some of the extra-curricula clubs we currently offer are:
Eco Club
KS1 Spanish