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Two year old Nursery


We welcome children into our Nursery as soon as they have turned two.



A significant number of two year olds are now eligible for free childcare. Your family must meet one of the following eligibility criteria:

  • Income Support
  • Income Based Jobseekers Allowance
  • The Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit and/or Working Tax Credit, provided the annual gross income is no more than £16,190 as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
  • If the child is looked after by the Local Authority


If you think you might be eligible for free childcare we can help you apply for this or you can apply online at Derby City two year old funding



Sessions are either mornings - 8.45am to 11.45am or afternoons - 12.15pm to 3.15pm



Our two year olds have their own room within our Early Years unit with age appropriate resources and furniture. They also have access to all the other areas of our unit including our fabulous outdoor area.


At this age, children are at different stages with their toilet training. We have excellent changing facilities for those still requiring them; access to potties and free access to their own toilets in the bathroom. Children are given plenty of verbal praise and encouragement to succeed.



We don't insist that children in our 2 year old provision wear school uniform as this is relaxed fun place to be and we want children to feel comfortable.  As children progress into the three and four year old pre-school setting, uniform will be gradually introduced. 


The nature of our Early Years provision is active and, at times, messy so please ensure that children are dressed appropriately and know that it is okay for them to involve themselves in messy play. We will advise you if we feel that your child’s clothing is restricting their play and learning.


We do spend alot of time outdoors, and will let you know when children need to bring their wellington boots and warm clothing so they can be happy, warm and dry when accessing the outdoor provision.  We ask that all children in our Early Years Unit arrive at their session with a bag containing a full change of clothes. If your child wears nappies, they will have their own storage compartment within our changing area where their nappies and wipes will be stored. We ask that you send these in ready for their first session. We will then inform you when we need these to be replenished.


Settling In

During home visits, staff will work with parents to create a settling in plan which specifically meets the needs of each individual child. These plans will become working documents that can be adapted and changed appropriately; this ensures a smooth transition into our Early Years unit.



We discourage the use of dummies and other forms of comforter in our Early Years Unit. However, there is some flexibility for two year olds who depend upon these in times of upset. We will discuss this with you and agree a plan.


Daily Organisation


Session times:

Morning session – 8:45am to 11:45am

Afternoon session – 12:15pm to 3:15pm


The focus of the day continues to be on Learning through Play, with a routine that incorporates adult led activities and builds on children’s developing knowledge and curiosity. Our carefully chosen toys and activities promote physical coordination and manipulative skills, role-play and creativity. Children take part in focused and creative activities throughout the day. Children have a free choice of which activity they take part it, the room is well equipped with plenty of resources.


Children are provided with many different activities along with music and movement, song times, musical instrument sessions and outdoor play. Circle time every day is an opportunity to take part in group activities and listen to stories; staff use props and puppets during these times to hold children’s attention and develop their concentration.

Children spend a lot of their time outdoors and have access to a large outdoor area.


Dropping Off and Collecting

Children come into our directly into the two year old room where they have their own cloakroom facilities. At the end of each session, parents are then asked to collect their child from the two’s room.

You will be required to complete an authorisation form stating which people have permission to collect your child from school and they must be at least 16 years old. We will not release your child unless they are collected from the classroom by an adult named on the form. It is not appropriate to have your child collected by an older child in the school.


