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Breadsall Hill Top Primary School

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Lunch menu

We are excited to launch a new food service which is supported by Relish, an external catering contractor who is working with the school on introducing a new and exciting menu. 


If you have any questions about the menu or have an questions, please do call and speak to us on 01332 341451.  


Pre-order Option

We are pleased to announce that from January (date to be confirmed) parents will be able to log into our food ordering system - 'Relish' and pre-order your child's school dinner, if you wish to. 


In order to pre-order your child's school dinner online, you will first need to set up a parent account in the Relish parent portal.  The instructions on how to do this are in the document - 'Relish Till Parent Guide To Online Meal Pre Ordering' on our website and can be done from today.  Once this has been completed, and we let you know that you are able to start pre-ordering dinners, please continue to follow the instructions in the document.


If you do not wish to pre-order your child's dinners, don't worry, this can still be done in class on the day.



We are pleased to confirm that ParentPay is now live and can be used for paying school dinners.  Very shortly, you will also be able to use it for paying breakfast club, and in the future, it will be used for paying school trips, clubs and uniform. 


The attached document provides details of the fantastic benefits of using ParentPay.


Thank you to everyone that has registered so far, and we look forward to further enhancing it for you.




